Residential Lettings and Management, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. - 01242 261 679

Landlords Letting Fees

Introduction Let only

The cost of the Introduction Let only is calculated as 10% of the first 6 months rent, plus VAT at the prevailing rate (which is currently 20%).

For example therefore, if your per calendar monthly rent was £750.00, the fee for this would be £750.00 x 6 x 10% = £450.00 plus VAT @ 20% = £540.00

In addition, each new Tenancy has an Initial set up cost of £175.00 plus VAT at the prevailing rate (which is currently 20%) = £210.00 for properties with up to 2 Bedrooms or £195.00 plus VAT at the prevailing rate (which is currently 20%) = £234.00 for properties with 3 or more Bedrooms.

Introduction Let but with Rent Collection

The cost of the Introduction Let but with Rent Collection is calculated as a straight 8% plus VAT at the prevailing rate (which is currently 20%).

For example therefore, if your per calendar monthly rent was £750.00, the fee for this would be £750.00 x 8% = £60.00 plus VAT @ 20% = £72.00 per month for the duration of the Tenancy.

In addition, each new Tenancy has an Initial set up cost of £175.00 plus VAT at the prevailing rate (which is currently 20%) = £210.00 for properties with up to 2 Bedrooms or £195.00 plus VAT at the prevailing rate (which is currently 20%) = £234.00 for properties with 3 or more Bedrooms.

Full Management Package

The cost of the Full Management Package is calculated as a straight 10% plus VAT at the prevailing rate (which is currently 20%).

For example therefore, if your per calendar monthly rent was £750.00, the fee for this would be £750.00 x 10% = £75.00 plus VAT @ 20% = £90.00 per month for the duration of the Tenancy.

In addition, each new Tenancy has an Initial set up cost of £175.00 plus VAT at the prevailing rate (which is currently 20%) = £210.00 for properties with up to 2 Bedrooms or £195.00 plus VAT at the prevailing rate (which is currently 20%) = £234.00 for properties with 3 or more Bedrooms.

Vacant Care Package

The cost of the Vacant Care Package is £7.50 per visit plus VAT at the prevailing rate (which is currently 20%).

Therefore £7.50 plus VAT @ 20% = £9.00 per visit for the duration of the required time period. The number of visits per week will depend on a clients requirement including the potential Insurance impact.

Proactive Maintenance Package

The cost of the Proactive Maintenance Package is calculated as a straight 10% plus VAT at the prevailing rate (which is currently 20%) of the overall cost of the project.

For example therefore, if the project value is £5000, the fee for this would be £5000.00 x 10% = £500.00 plus VAT @ 20% = £600.00. However, this cost is almost always offset by the savings made on both Labour and Material cost that we negotiate on your behalf. So in summary, you are getting an experienced, professionally managed renovation or refurbishment done to your property, ostensibly for “free” if you were going to try and do it yourself.

Additional Lettings Support Service Costs

  • Tenancy Renewal (if required) £60.00 plus VAT @ 20% = £72.00
  • CP12 Gas Safety Certificate (which is legally required) £45.00 plus VAT @ 20% = £54.00
  • Visual Wiring Check, PAT testing, Smoke Alarm Check, Soft Furnishing £75.00 (no VAT)
  • 5 Year Electrical Wiring checks from £150.00 plus VAT = £180.00
  • Energy Performance Certification (which is legally required every 10 years) £60.00 plus VAT @ 20% = £72.00
  • Rent & Legal Insurance from £12.60 (inc IPT) per month
  • Deposit Legislation levy. This is an annual payment to offset the cost of this legally required Insurance product. Cost though depends on what the Company charges, but on average has been £30 plus VAT @ 20% = £36.00
  • Client Money Protection levy. Likewise the same as the Deposit Legislation and is an annual payment to offset this legally required Insurance product. Cost again though depends on what the Company charges but on average is predicated to be £15 plus VAT @ 20% = £18.00
  • The Issuing (if required) of any respective documentation. For Example Notice to Quit £60.00 plus VAT @ 20% = £72.00

Reputable Residential Property Lettings and Management specialists located in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.

All material and opinions presented on this website are provided for information purposes only and are not intended to form part of any offer or contract. Further, our policies and practices may change at any time without notice. Details of all properties are provided from information received, and their accuracy cannot be guaranteed.